Rule Of The Game
- 3 hours long duration to complete
- Open book (online or offline) but communication with other is not allowed
- Competition use CTF (capture the flag) mechanism with maximum 50 question to solve
- Each question have different category and point
- New question available as scheduled
- Each question contains a narrative case along with supporting files or addresses of network/web services that must be analyzed from cybersecurity perspective.
- Each question has a different weight/points which will be calculated dynamically based on the question’s submission order/sequence.
- To get a score on a question, participants must submit the Flag in the submission form for each question.
- Scoreboard will be displayed during the preliminary round and will be frozen in the last 1 hour of the competition.
CSIRT Team Competition challenges focus on incident handling following random trend topics (One topic chosen):
- Ransomware, Malware or virus
- Supply Chain
- AI-Powered Attack (Deepfakes and Disinformation)
- Cloud Jacking (account cloud infrastructure)
- Insider Threats
- 5G and IoT
- Cyber Insurance
- Data Breach